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Voluntary Sequestration

Voluntary Sequestration

Voluntary Sequestration is always a last resort for individuals struggling financially. When a family is over indebted and find themselves in unsurmountable debt they will start searching for financial solutions to their financial difficulties.

Normally the first route they’ll follow will be to try and amend their budget, next would be to investigate debt restructuring, debt review and even debt mediation, and the final solution to a dire financial situation is voluntary sequestration.

Now the first question would be how it works and what do I need to do to ascertain if I qualify for this process?

A debtor is entitled to apply, to the High Court, to surrender his/her/their estate on a voluntary basis. In such an application he must convince the Court that it will be to the Creditors’ advantage if the Court grants the application. This is a highly effective remedy, and the Debtor can get rid of up to 80% of his debt with such an application.

How effective is this remedy?

This remedy is highly effective. The legal team need to convince the court that you are over indebted and that it will be to the benefit of the creditors, should they grant the Sequestration Order.

Why is it important for Free Assessment and Consultation by one of our Debt Specialists?

There are different types of sequestrations and therefore it is always better to complete the assessment form, that way ensuring that one of our Debt Specialists can provide you with the correct information pertaining to your specific financial situation.

At Cure Debt we will assist you with a Free Assessment and Consultation. During the consultation the different options available will be discussed in detail to ensure that you receive all the information the good and the bad pertaining to this Financial Remedy in Law.

Complete the OBLIGATION FREE DEBT ASSESSMENT and receive a FREE CONSULTATION. Read more about the Process on our BLOG.

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