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TT_main | 29 April 2022 


Debt and the Festive Season
Debt and the Festive Season can be challenging to manage financially if you are already over-indebted. Debt and the holiday season have gone hand in hand for many years and will continue to do so for many more.

Smart Budgeting
Smart budgeting can only go so far for South Africans who are deeply in debt. When doing your budget for the festive season the normal individual or household always belief that it will be easy to pay debt after the holidays. It’s only going to be bit tough for about six months. Then it should be fine. And it’s my birthday in May and then I get my birthday bonus and I’ll just settle the credit card or overdraft again. In reality that never happens.

January blues...
Then January arrives, and children must return to school. It's new school clothes, snacks for a healthy lunch, and school fees. Extracurricular activities, etc. Before you know it, you're unable to repay the debts accumulated during the holiday season, you're struggling through January, and you've extended your credit limits significantly in order to make ends meet. This was not originally planned for during the Holiday Season, but it is now a reality. To top it all off, you spend far more than you planned for the Holiday Season.

Finding a solution in Debt Review
If you are struggling to keep paying your debts and are unable to meet your living expenditures, the NCR (National Credit Regulator) controlled debt review process can assist you. Debt Review legislation went into effect in 2005 to safeguard consumers and provide statutory relief if they could no longer afford their debt.

What is Debt Review and is it really necessary?
A qualified Debt Counsellor, registered at the NCR (National Credit Regulator) will do an evaluation. Your credit profile will not be adversely affected if you only do an enquiry. Our Registered Debt Counsellors will only upload your information as being ‘Under Debt Review’ once we received confirmation from you that you want to continue with the process.

How many of these boxes have you checked?
1. Are you wondering how and when you’ll be able to buy groceries again?
2. Not knowing how you’re going to pay for school fees.
3. Wondering how you’re going to pay for your children’s new school clothes, aftercare, and extramural activities?
4. Cannot go on holiday or even buy Christmas gifts this year?
5. Not knowing how you’re going to pay the electricity bill this festive season. 
6. To many public holidays and no overtime?
7. Are you working 24/7/365 and still struggle to make ends meet?
8. After all the debit orders were deducted to pay for debts there’s nothing left in your bank account.
9. Driving a nice car but once that instalment is deducted from your bank account there’s nothing left?
10. Sleepless nights trying to find ways of making more money?
11. Trying to find an extra job to service all these debts?

If you ticked only one of the above, then it means you’re over-indebted.

South Africans are strong, independent, and proud people.
South Africans are resilient, independent, and proud people who thrive at formulating strategies and staying afloat. However, no one could have expected the rate at which costs have been rising.  Everybody already struggled before Covid.  Because of Covid many families lost their income or at the minimum had a decreased income.  Loadshedding is getting worse daily and as if all of this isn't enough almost everything increased and exacerbated an already dire situation.  It might be time to explore the different Debt Relief Solutions to rid yourself of your debts the right way.

Symptoms of Over-Indebtedness
1.  Your debt is having an impact on your mental health (sleep, anxiety, stress, and sadness).
2.  Your income is no longer sufficient to support all your living expenses.
3.  You have sold or are considering selling assets to cover costs.
4.  You're seeking for strategies to get extra credit to pay off your debts.
5.  You have fallen behind or is about to fall behind on one or more loan obligations.
6.  You've reached your credit card or overdraft limit on one or more of your cards.

What makes Cure Debt Different?
Cure Debt is one company that boast with not only Debt Review but All Debt Relief Solutions Under One Roof. If Debt Review is not the answer, we have another solution ready to assist. Cure Debt Boast with specialists on our team with 30 years of experience in Debt Relief Solutions.

How Can You Benefit from Debt Review?
Even though it is the holiday season, we will continue to assist South Africans. If you choose to use Cure Debt for any Debt Relief Solution, we will provide you with a special discount on all services during the Holiday Season to ensure that Debt don’t ruin your holiday season. Debt and the Festive Season, no problem, we’ve got you sorted. Rid yourself of your debts and enjoy a stress-free holiday. The first of many to follow.

Finding a Debt Relief Specialist: PLEASE HELP!
Need help finding a Debt Relief Specialist to assist with the best solution for your specific financial situation?
Call Cure Debt and talk to one of our Debt Relief Specialists, Find the Debt Relief you need from the best debt relief specialists in South Africa.

We can help you!  BECOME DEBT-FREE TODAY!

Cure Debt: Your Debt Specialist Don’t wait until it’s too late; CALL NOW!

We care about you and how this process will affect you.  We know and understand that if you decide not to continue with the process, we will lose money. But it is not about the money; it is about helping people get out of financial distress.  To help you START LIVING AGAIN.   

What does Cure Debt offer?
We worked with several professionals, specialising in their different fields, to serve our clients.  With a combined experience of more than 120 years.  We can proudly state that 'We are the best in the business of helping people and businesses BECOME DEBT FREE

We have an array of services we offer, and we SPECIALISE IN FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES AND REHABILITATION.


Debt Review | Debt Counselling | Debt Mediation & Restructuring | Cancellation of the Debt Review | Sequestration | Rehabilitation | Liquidation | Credit Clearance of Credit Score | Business Rescue, etc.

                                                                              BECOME DEBT FREE TODAY...

Contact Cure Debt today to assist you with all your Financial Difficulties and Start Living Again.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Call on Cure Debt rather than relying on the information herein to make any decisions. The information is relevant to the date of publication.
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Panel of qualified Debt Counsellors registered with the NCR (National Credit Regulator)

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